Indian Ayurveda – the secrets of health and beauty available to everyone
Ayurveda is an ancient system of medical knowledge dating back to five-six thousand years that has come down to us in the form of Ayurvedic treatises in Sanskrit. According to Ayurveda, the human body is a part of nature and is governed by natural biorhythms. Everything existing around us, including ourselves, consists of five primary elements. Knowing the laws of nature and the interaction of elements, we can eat right and lead a healthy life, thereby ensuring youth, health, beauty and longevity. Now, this knowledge is available to everyone, it is clear and logical and it can be followed easily by those who choose a healthy lifestyle consciously.
Ayurvedic treatment
Modern Indians with health issues consult classical Western doctors as well as Ayurvedic doctors. The interest in Ayurveda is increasing as it is a holistic, natural and eco-friendly medicine. Ayurvedic doctors get an Ayurvedic medical education for more than 5 years, during which they study all body processes. That makes Ayurvedic treatment so effective.
The most common diseases that Ayurveda successfully cope with:
- Musculoskeletal system diseases
- Urogenital and reproductive system diseases
- Respiratory diseases
- Metabolic and digestive disorders
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Nervous system disorders
In cases of incurable diseases, Ayurvedic therapy helps to significantly improve health condition and quality of life of the patient.
Benefits of Ayurvedic methods
All Ayurvedic methods and therapies are based on a holistic approach to the body. Ayurveda considers each person individually taking into account a patient’s health condition. Therefore, doctors draw up an individual treatment plan in each case, and this practically eliminates any probability of side effects. As a result, there are almost no contraindications for Ayurvedic treatment, particularly for Panchakarma.
Many clinics offer yoga classes that play an important role in therapy because proper physical exercises, especially yoga, make body cleansing more effective.
Medicines used in Ayurvedic clinics are natural, organic and are carefully and individually selected for each patient, so they don’t produce any undesirable side effects.
All Ayurvedic and Panchakarma treatments are done according to the prescribed methods and techniques as well as taking into account the anatomy and physiology of a person.
Effects of Ayurvedic therapy on a body
- Pain relief and removal of the symptoms of a disease
- Body relaxation and removal of blocks and tension
- Improvement of skin condition
- Relaxation of the nervous system, stress relief
- Muscle strengthening
- Immunity enhancement
- Normalization of all body functions
- Weight loss
- General recovery and rejuvenation.
Basic principles of Ayurveda teaching
Yoga and meditation
For most people, it is no longer a secret that stress is a cause of many diseases. According to Ayurveda, a restless mind leads to various health disorders. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the nervous system, relaxation and calming practices. Yoga and meditation are the best available tools for this; everyone can practice them independently or under the supervision of a specialist. Yoga is a philosophical doctrine of achieving harmony and balance, which includes physical practices and exercises. Meditation is a technique designed to calm down the mind and balance the nervous system. Ayurvedic doctors use methods of yoga and meditation in treatments and teach patients how to practice them.
Manual therapies
Ayurvedic treatment consists of proper lifestyle and diet, medications and Ayurvedic therapies. All treatments are performed manually by several therapists who have undergone a special training. No machines are used in Ayurveda, only medicines and sensitive hands of professionals interact with the patient’s body. There is gender separation in Ayurvedic therapies in India – that is female therapists work with women and male ones with men. This ensures patient’s comfort, energy balance and trusting atmosphere during the treatments. Such manual therapies increase relaxation and enhance body response to the treatment.
Natural Medicines
Nature provides cures for all diseases and Ayurveda successfully uses them. All Ayurvedic medicines are coming from natural sources: medicinal plants, spices, minerals, some substances of animal origin. Most medicines are hand-made, with a minimal use of mechanical devices. This allows to maintain the healing power of natural medicines. Most of the medicines are multi-component, prepared from many herbs that complement each other, enhancing the benefits and reducing the side effects. Such natural organic medicines are easily absorbed by the body; they stimulate the immune system and activate self-healing mechanisms of the body.
Ayurvedic Tours to India
Historically, the Indian state of Kerala is considered to be the birthplace and the land of Ayurveda –“land where gods rest”. Most Ayurvedic resorts and clinics are located in this Indian state. The major Ayurvedic educational institutions are also located in Kerala, and Ayurvedic doctors and therapists with Kerala diplomas are highly appreciated. Also, there are Ayurvedic clinics in other states of India. Mountain regions in the Himalayas foothills are considered to be another popular Ayurveda place. From October to March it is better to go to Kerala and other southern states of India as the weather is warm and dry in this period. It is more comfortable to spend May to September in the Himalayas – there will be no southern heat but it may rain at this time. There is no universal rule about the best Panchakarma season as it can be done all year round and should be specified individually for each patient.
The best Ayurvedic clinics at affordable prices
An Ayurvedic doctor is a serious and responsible profession, which is mastered for 6 years in Indian universities. Panchakarma should always be done under the supervision of an experienced doctor in order to avoid complications. There are still “Vaidyas”- hereditary healers. As a rule, they don’t make Panchakarma but treat patients with herbs, mantras, and prayers. Doctor’s professionalism and qualification play a great role in the search of the best Ayurvedic clinic as they make the treatment effective and safe.